Restaurants &Hotels: Hotel7 is on national highway. Mamatha. Hotel Balaji Grand. MNR Hotels; Mayuri Restaurant &Hotels. Mainly it is having a lot of dabas on NH 9 Banks: Many banks are operating through their branches in Suryapet. ... This is the second biggest jathara in India, first is sammakka, sarakka in Warangal. Undrugonda: Devotional place, famous for approx. 1000 year old Laxmin Narasimha Swamy temple. Its a hilly area. The god here is believed to be powerful. ...
Jos ei sitten ollut tarkoituksellinen ?sammakko?. Uskon että sinä, Reinhard hyvä, luulet minun puhuvan suomettuneesta taustasta, joko sitä myötäillen tai siitä raivoisasti irti pyristellen. Jos luet tämän ja edellisen viestini tarkasti ...
We stayed in the old town, medina, and close to our hotel was a hole-in-a-wall type of breakfast place, serving freshly baked bread and chickpea soup. The soup was so delicious that we went there every morning, and so filling that we could keep on walking around the medina ... sammakko. Posted January 23, 2008 at 20:02 | Permalink. Onpa tunnelmallinen kuva! Heikki. Posted January 23, 2008 at 21:49 | Permalink. Kiitti. =). I took a peek at your blog, it looks really nice! ...